Saturday, November 15, 2008


Have you ever fall really hard?
Wishing that someone would have been there for you?
Yes, i did.
People around me will tell me to get back on my feet.
"Don't let the past hold you back".
Of course,
it is easier to say it than to do it.
All of us are well-aware of it too.
have you noticed that sometimes,
tripping wasn't the worst part?
It is when the one who you wished would to be there,
to support you,
to care for you,
to comfort you,
is never there.
You let me pick up the pieces on my own.
I wonder why.
Getting back on my feet would not be so difficult,
if someone i care would be there for me.
I need a shoulder to cry on when i tripped,
Not another lecture on "life".
I need someone to listen when i did something wrong,
Not another lecture on "I told you".
I need guidance when i'm lost in life,
Not another lecture on "how to read a compass".
If only you spend some time to understand,
what i want,
what i need,
what i wish.
You'll realise,
the best way,
is to pick up the pieces TOGETHER with me.


  1. i pick up everything wif you....even if u dont wana pick it up, i will even pick it up FOR dearest sis...

  2. u r strong and smart i knew ..........

    but do u realise that u already found a good place to express every thing u wish to said ?????? here loh !!!! blogger !!
